Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 17, 2013

Friday, June 14, 2013

I'm an arteest

Last year I started attending meeting of the Brazos Valley Stitchers, our local chapter of the embroiderer's guild of America.  It has been exactly what I needed.  It's been an extremely fulfilling part if my life. I live stitching and so do the ladies in this group. Not only that but they love that I love stitching!! We do a new (at least new for me) technique of stitching each month.  It's fabulous!! I've learned so much and been welcomed by these wonderful women who get excited about the same kinds of things that I do. 

Through the group, we learned that our local arts council was holding a fiber arts show.  All of us were encouraged to submit pieces.  I submitted a cross stitch piece, some small hardanger pieces, and a crocheted purse.  The cross stitch and the hardanger were accepted!!!  What's more, we had to submit a picture of the whole piece then a close up shot.  My close up of the cross stitch was used on the advertisement material!!

Here are some shots from opening night. The show runs through July 31.  Several of our stitchers have pieces on display.

A night

Something was up with George, tonight. Normally, we put him in his bed, he might or might not fuss but never longer than a minute. He rolls around, plays with a toy or book, then covers himself and goes to sleep.  But tonight he was freakish out. Screaming and crying.  I'd fed him like normal.  After several minutes I got him, fed him again and sat with him on the couch.  He started to pretend to lay down and covet up, so Tony took him back to his bed.  The fussing began again.  After a while, only gave him Tylenol and rocked him for a while. He was calm while rocking, which Tony says is odd because usually George doesn't allow that.  So he put him back.  The fussing began again, in earnest.

For a baby who almost never fusses, this momma had had enough.  I came in here and picked him up and said, "I'm just gonna rock you."  I sat down in the glider with him on my shoulder and he hasn't moved.  Poor baby.  Must have passed out immediately.

Meanwhile, Jane was on the froggie potty playing with a toy phone saying, "Gee?  Maddy?  Anny Ciayur? I just sit a potty.  Michael's seeping."

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Summertime is here!!

Today was animal day at the Bryan library.
 Then we had a watermelon picnic in the car.  
The babies fell asleep in the car on the way to the Bush library.  I totally woke them up because inside Bush was a party of free cake, ice cream and popcorn in honor of pres & mrs. Bush (neither of whom were present but we'll take the freebies).  
We visited the library bathroom 3 times.  One time Michael pooped!!!!!  First time on a public potty!!  Of course Jane and George used their diapers.  Jane outside on the way to  the car.
 Here are some pics, finally.  
Now we are playing outside. 
I printed the first 2 years of the blog and I can delete the posts with pictures.  I'll leave the videos as long as possible.